ATICA2022 - Actividades
Tanto los autores, como el resto de participantes Virtuales en el congreso, deberán conectarse a través de la plataforma ZOOM, identificándose con su nombre, en los siguientes enlaces:
Actos Solemnes y Conferencias Magistrales:
Mesa 1 ATICA
Mesa 2 ATICA
Acto inaugural
Apertura del Congreso (Miércoles 16, 9:00-9:45)
Durante el Congreso está prevista la impartición de diversas conferencias magistrales a cargo de académicos de reconocido prestigio en sus especialidades. Las Conferencias Magistrales serán compartidas por los congresos ATICA2022 y SmartTech-IC 2022. En esta página se anunciarán a medida que se vayan confirmando:
Nitish-Thakor (SmartTech) - Miércoles 16, 10:00-11:00
Nitish Thakor received his undergraduate degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, in Bombay, India. He earned both a M.S. and a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Currently, Dr. Thakor is professor of biomedical engineering and neurology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He also has an appointment in the Johns Hopkins Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He conducts research on neurological instrumentation, biomedical signal processing, micro and nanotechnologies, neural prosthesis, clinical applications of neural and rehabilitation technologies, and brain-machine interface. One of Dr. Thakor’s research projects, in collaboration with a multi-university consortium funded by DARPA, focuses on developing a next generation neurally controlled upper limb prosthesis. Dr. Thakor directs the Laboratory for Neuroengineering and is also the director of the NIH Training Grant on Neuroengineering.
Mary Sánchez Gordón (Atica) - Miércoles 16, 16:30-17:30
Associate Professor at Østfold University College, Norway.
Sergio Luján Mora (Atica) - Jueves 17, 10:00-11:00
Profesor titular en la Universidad de Alicante, España.
Sri Krishnan (SmartTech) Jueves 17, 16:30-17:30
Sri Krishnan joined Toronto Metropontan University, Toronto, Canada in 1999, and he is now a Professor of Electrical, Computer Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering. Sri Krishnan's research interests are in biomedical signal analysis, audio signal analysis, and explainable machine learning. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. From 2007-to 2017 he was a Canada Research Chair in Biomedical Signal Analysis. Sri Krishnan has published 405 papers in refereed journals and conferences, flled 16 invention disclosures/patent applications, and has been a scientiflc advisor to six AI/wearables start-ups. Sri Krishnan is a recipient of the Outstanding Canadian Biomedical Engineer Award, Achievement in Innovation Award from Innovate Calgary, Sarwan Sahota Distinguished Scholar Award, Young Engineer Achievement Award from Engineers Canada, New Pioneers Award in Science and Technology, and Exemplary Service Award from IEEE Toronto Section.
Fausto Pedro García Márquez (SmartTech) Viernes 18, 10:00-11:00
Fausto García obtained his European PhD with a maximum distinction. Currently, He works at UCLM - Spain as Full Professor (Accredited as Full Professor from 2013), Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Birmingham University, UK, Lecturer at the Postgraduate European Institute, and he has been Senior Manager in Accenture (2013-2014). He has been distinguished with the prices: Grand Prize (2021), Runner Prize (2020) and Advancement Prize (2018) for Management Science and Engineering Management Nominated Prize, First International Business Ideas Competition 2017 Award (2017); Runner (2015), Advancement (2013) and Silver (2012) by the International Society of Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM). He has been Principal Investigator in 4 European Projects, 7 National Projects, and more than 150 projects for Universities, Companies, among others. His main interests are: Artificial Intelligence, Maintenance, Management, Renewable Energy, Transport, Advanced Analytics, Data Science.
También se impartirán varios talleres prácticos presenciales sobre temas relacionados con TICs y con Accesibilidad.
Taller 1 ATICA (Miércoles 16, 11:30-12:30)
Conntenido: ver programa
Taller 2 ATICA (Miércoles 16, 14:00-15:00)
Conntenido: ver programa
Taller 3 ATICA (Jueves 17, 08:30-10:00)
Conntenido: ver programa
Taller 4 ATICA (Jueves 17, 11:30-12:30)
Conntenido: ver programa
Taller 5 ATICA (Jueves 17, 14:00-15:00)
Conntenido: ver programa
Conversatorio Tecnología e inclusión. Experiencias (Viernes 18, 11:30-13:00)
Mary Sanchez, Sri Krishna, Nitish ThakorModerador: Teo Freire Bastos |
Otras actividades
Miércoles 16, 18:00-18:40 - Noche de Música Ecuatoriana en el Teatro Carlos Crespi
Grupo Los Caballeros del Sur.
Jueves 17, 17:30-18:30 - Noche de Cuencana
Grupo musical, grupo de danza, castillo y canelazo. (en los Patios de la UPS).
Clausura del Congreso
Viernes 18, 13:00-13:30 - Acto de Clausura
Clausura conjunta de los congresos SmartTech y Atica.